Belmont Cup Hockey League
Better than your beer league.

History Belmont Iceland
The Belmont Cup Hockey League, formerly the Belmont Adult 4-on-4 Ice Hockey League, is a recreational hockey league, founded in 2005 at Belmont Iceland, Belmont, CA. When Belmont Iceland was demolished, the league moved to Nazareth Ice Oasis, first in Redwood City and then in San Mateo when the Bridgepointe rink re-opened.

Philosophy Have fun and be safe
The League's philosophy is to strive for team parity by evaluating new players in order to as closely balance the teams in skill mix as possible. Players play for fun and safety. No rough or dirty play will be tolerated. All participants in the League are adults who want to play hockey free from physical altercations, nasty or retributive conduct, and who have a high regard for protecting everyone's well-being.

Communication Google Groups
League communication is done primarily through e-mails via the Gooogle Groups e-mail distribution list. To be added to the League distribution list, please send a request to join the Google Group. Belmont_4on4_hockey

League Format
Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Teams are composed of about 15 players plus a goalie. Teams are selected through a blinded system by the team selection committee. Seasons are 4 - 6 months, regular season followed by playoffs. Games are composed of three (3) 15-minute periods, followed by OT or a shootout. New players must participate in an evaluation pick-up game, which are typically scheduled between seasons.

League Administration
The League is adminstered by a consensus-driven process involving rink management, the League commissioner, team captains, the team selection committee, and a referee representative.

League Stats
Created to enhance the player experience, the Belmont Cup Hockey League Stats website presents individual and team statistics, as well as downloadable calenders, using a modern, cloud-based web app. Access is limited to League members. In addition, the Belmont Cup Hockey Stats Android app is available in the Google Play Store.